Ticket Team

Ticket Team POS Systems

Our POS system is designed with ease of use as a priority. It is accessible to all team members, from volunteers to full-time employees, where everyone can work efficiently, whether it is the cashier or the back office employee who needs management information. We have found an optimal balance between software and hardware by partnering with top manufacturers in POS systems.

Voordeel 2
Voordeel 3

Find out what Ticket Team can do for your organization in terms of POS systems.

Why Ticket Team?

Our POS system is seamlessly integrated with our other modules, with all information available real-time and anywhere from one central back office system, leading to uniform reporting.
We are available 24/7 to support our users, so you are always assured of help when needed.

We maintain regular contact with our users to understand their needs and market trends. This feedback is incorporated directly into our product development.


Updates and Improvements

Every two years, our customers receive a comprehensive update, with interim updates available through our customer portal, including detailed release notes.


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Need an all-in-one solution for your ticketing process? Our service starts at the ticket sale but does not stop at the entrance gate. Our support is available to you 24/7.

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